

We aim to offer a rich and diverse curriculum at Seagrave Village Primary School. We have fully embedded the National Curriculum and have a range of enjoyable topics taking place across all year groups. We accept that English and Maths are very important and that they underpin much of the rest of the curriculum, but we want to ensure that we allow our pupils to develop a wider range of skills and interests.  All children and classes are different, and as professionals we always try to use the most appropriate methods, in the most appropriate setting – which is not necessarily in the classroom!



We teach phonics using the Ruth Miskin scheme to all our EYFS class and Year 1 children.  We compliment the scheme with a range of phonic banded books from different providers, online phonic games and continuous provision. Occasionally one or two pupils in year 2 will join phonics sessions for consolidation and closing the gap activities.


EYFS, year 1 and children working within the RWI phonic programme access phonically decodable (RWI) books to support our phonics first approach to teaching reading.

Our school reading book selection, from the end of KS1 to end of KS2, consists of banded books. The books have been selected from several schemes (ORT, PM, Big Cat, Rigby Star, Rapid reading) as well as non-scheme books. The pupils can choose a book witihin their band and books are changed throughout the week. The scheme consists of a variety of different reading books but are based around the PM reading scheme. Each child is assessed through PM benchmarking before progressing onto the next band to ensure good decoding, fluency and comprehension.

Organisation of the Curriculum

All classes have four lessons of Maths and English each week, as well as reading lessons and GPS on a daily basis. The rest of the days are organised into topic areas which are taught through a knowledge and skills approach, topics change termly or half termly. In EYFS the topics change more regularly.  We do not directly teach English and Maths on a Friday (Freestyle Friday).  This time is used to delve deeply into foundation subjects such as Art, DT, Geography and History.  Friday is also used for science investigations which may take a full day from planning to conclusion and then the written report of their investigation.

We employ a specialist music teacher who teaches Music lessons to children in Years 3 and 4 during the Spring term. At the end of their learning it is hoped that some of these children will continue to pursue music through the rest of their education. The younger children enjoy music in their classes.  All of the children have access to computing and this is delivered through a range of subjects (using our range of laptops and iPads). The classroom teaching and learning is further enhanced by interactive screens which are used by the teachers and the pupils. In addition, we ensure all of the children have a rich and broad curriculum, which is centred on developing and acquiring new skills and knowledge through a variety of subjects, such as; Science, Geography, History, Design and Technology, Art, PE, RE and PSHE/RSE.

Further enhancement is ensured through residential trips in KS2. These trips give the children valuable learning experiences that can’t be replicated on site at school. In addition to residential trips, we offer an extensive range of day visits to places of interest throughout each year. This might include; The National Space Centre, Beaumanor Hall, Boreatton and Caythorpe PGL to mention a few.
For more information about our schools curriculum please contact Mrs K Litchfield Headteacher

 2014 National Curriculum

Teaching and Learning Policy

The Seagrave Way

Seagrave Village Primary School Curriculum


Curriculum Topic Overview

The Trust Curriculum Statement can be found here