Call 0116 305 0005 (24 hour phone line)
Safeguarding Children is Everyone’s Responsibility
If you are worried or concerned about a child’s safety, you can contact the school’s DSL on 01509 812486 or email
Designated Safeguarding Lead – Kate Litchfield
Deputy Designated Leads – Maxine Chafer and Jo Woodward
DSLs and DDSLs are trained in dealing with child abuse and safeguarding children.
Specific Safeguarding Lead Roles
CSE/CCE – Kate Litchfield
Prevent and Anti-Terrorism – Kate Litchfield
FGM, Forced Marriage and Domestic abuse – Kate Litchfield
Emergency Safeguarding Contact Out of Hours
Please follow this link for support outside school hours.
Phone 999 if a crime is being committed or if a child is in immediate danger.
Contact Leicestershire police on 101 if you think a crime has been committed but there is no immediate danger.
Contact the First Response Children’s Duty Team if you think a child is being:
• neglected
• physically abused
• sexually abused
Telephone the First Response Children’s Duty Team if you have urgent concerns about a child who needs a social worker or police officer today:
Safeguarding Policy
Internet Safety
Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE)
Operation Encompass
Click on the picture for more information
Our school is part of Operation Encompass.
Building upon the national success of Operation Encompass (Police in all 43 forces in England and Wales sharing information with schools about children experiencing domestic abuse) Leicestershire police are expanding the information that they are sharing confidentially with the safeguarding leads in Leicestershire schools.
From the 19th of September 2022 they have began a phased rollout across the Police Force sharing with us incidents that they have attended where they feel there has been an impact upon a child’s physical, emotional or mental well-being.
We are thrilled the force has made this decision as this confidential information will help us to support and care for the children in our care even more effectively.
As part of the Operation Encompass Information Sharing Platform our Police Force will also share with the Designated Safeguarding Lead information about police attended incidents where they feel that there has been a tangible impact upon a child is physical, emotional or mental well-being.
This information is shared so that our school can better understand children’s living experience and can support, nurture and care for them more effectively.
Our DSL has attended a briefing about this information sharing and has disseminated information to the safeguarding governor and to all members of staff.
Operation Encompass Letter
Prevent Duty
Prevent – Leicestershire County Council
Preventing Radicalisation in school
Building resilience in our young people and the promotion of fundamental British Values is at the heart of preventing radicalisation. We do this by providing a safe place in which children can discuss issues, and we aim to give them the knowledge and confidence to challenge extremist beliefs and ideologies.
Our prevent duty, is carried out under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, which legally requires us to take steps to prevent pupils from being drawn into terrorism. We take this duty seriously and carry out the four main actions responsibly, namely: risk assessment, working in partnership, staff training and IT policies. If we assess a child as at risk, we will refer to the Channel Programme, which focuses on providing support at an early stage to people who are identified as being vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism.
Staff have received prevent training and are regularly familiarised with updates.
Internet safety; we ensure suitable filters are in place to keep children away from extremist materials, in keeping with recommended guidelines.
We recognise that we play a vital role in keeping children safe from harm, including from the risks of extremism and radicalisation, and in promoting the welfare of children in our care.
Online Safety:
It is our aim to create confident e-learners, who:
- Can find access and process information.
- Have the skills to choose and use technology efficiently and adapt their skills to meet the challenge of new technologies.
- Use a range of technologies to communicate effectively and appropriately.
At Seagrave Village Primary School we have a strong commitment to E-Safety. All our pupils are taught about keeping safe as a regular part of our curriculum. We embrace the use of technology at school and ensure that our pupils not only master the skills of using this technology, but most importantly the knowledge and awareness of how to keep themselves safe while doing so.
We also feel that it is crucial for parents to fully understand how to ensure their child is safe when using the Internet at home and as a school we do all we can to support you in this.
Signposting Further Support
NSPCC Parents Guide – Share Aware Online
Underwear Rule Guidance for Foster Carers
Underwear Rule Guide for Parents
Digi Duck Stories 3-7 year olds
BBC Web Wise – Short E-safety films
Vodaphone – Child Rights and Online Safety
Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) – report a concern
Support Parents with Online Safety: CPD for Primary Schools (