Local Advisory Board

The Governors plays a vital role in the life of the school in making sure every child gets the best possible education. Their role is to support the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school.

Governors have a strong focus on 3 core strategic functions:

  • Ensuring a clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

They meet together as a Local Advisory Board twice a term and also meet as working parties to look at areas of the school in more detail e.g. finance.

In addition, each Governor is expected to make regular visits to school to meet the children, participate in aspects of school life, and monitor the implementation of the School Development Plan. All Governors hold their office for a period of four years. The Chair of Governors can always be contacted via the school office.

Our Governors come from a range of backgrounds and each brings a unique set of skills to enhance the work of the school. There are different categories of Governor. Staff Governors are elected by the school staff, Parent Governor positions are advertised to all parents when a vacancy arises and are then elected by parents if there are more candidates than positions. Co-opted Governors are appointed by the Governing Body after skills analysis has taken place.

Our Chair of Governor position is shared by Mrs Charlotte Simpson and Mrs Vicky Haig. Should you need to contact either of them please contact the school office who will be more than happy to forward and correspondence.

Our structure and how we work

We adopt an approach where individual governors are assigned monitoring responsibilities which are directly linked to the School Development Plan. A governor will then bring the findings of their monitoring to report to the Local Advisory Board meetings. We have found that this provides governors with a much better picture of what is going on across the school.

Monitoring areas for each Governor may change from year to year depending on the skills set of the governing body and the needs of the school.

We are guided by the Bradgate Education Partnership’s (BEP) terms of reference for Local Advisory Boards.  Please follow this link for: Terms of Reference, Code of Conduct, Scheme of Delegation, Local Advisory Board Governance Handbook.

Governors – Bradgate Education Partnership

Statutory Information – Bradgate Education Partnership


  1. In addition we have our own locally agreed terms of reference which incorporate the BEP schemes of delegation (a large document which states who is responsible for what). This document is referred to regularly by governors and used as job description for the different roles within the body. The document is re-agreed each Autumn and includes names of delegated responsibilities.

Seagrave Local Advisory Board Governance Information

The term of office is 4 years for all LAB members unless stated otherwise



Y = Attended, N = Apologies Accepted, NA = Apologies not Accepted, NS = No Apologies sent
Governor Governor Type Local Advisory Board

12 Sep 2023

Local Advisory Board

14 Nov 2023

Local Advisory Board


Local Advisory Board

4 June 2024

Jill Taylor Clerk Y
Kate Litchfield Headteacher Y
Andrew Sidebottom Parent NA
Maxine Chafer Staff Y
Vacancy Parent
Jo Woodward Staff NA
Vicky      Haig Parent Y
Alison Heathcote Co-opted Y
Emma Lowry Co-opted Y

BEP information

BEP Statutory documents can be downloaded from the Bradgate Education Partnership website under ‘About Us > Statutory Information’ or by using the direct link – www.bepschools.org/about-us/statutory-information(opens in new tab).

BEP Local Advisory Board information can be found on the Bradgate Education Partnership website under ‘Our Schools > Governors’ or by using the direct link – www.bepschools.org/our-schools/governors(opens in new tab).