EYFS New Starters

Welcome to Seagrave


We are so pleased that you have chosen our school and that your child will be joining us from August this year. We know that this is a very exciting time for children and parents alike and we look forward to meeting you all.

Next year the class teacher will be Mrs Chafer, supported by Mrs Walker.  Mrs Chafer is a very experienced EYFS teacher and is skilled in ensuring an excellent transition into school. As I’m sure you are aware the transition may be a little different this year, but we will not let that stop us from ensuring your child makes a great start to their time with us at Seagrave.

To assist with your child transitioning into our school, this section of the website will contain lots of tools that you can share with your child, to allow them to become more familiar with our teachers and our school.

We have also attached lots of lovely ideas and activities that have been published by our Multi Academy Trust and Teaching School Alliance. These documents also give guidance on how you can support your child, in the home learning environment to help with school readiness.​

If you do have any questions, please feel free to make contact using the email address

Take care and stay safe

Best wishes

Kate Litchfield – Head Teacher
Maxine Chafer – EYFS Lead and Deputy Head Teacher

New starters welcome pack – below are copies of some of the documents contained in your child’s first welcome pack.

Overview of themes and learning for EYFS

School Readiness Booklets

EYFS Starter Packs

EYFS Ideas to use with children’s books